Legal & Industry Insights from Reeves Richarz LLP

Credibility is Vital

In MK v Dumfries Mutual, LAT adjudicator Jeanie Theoharis stated that “in arbitration hearings an Applicant’s credibility is vital, particularly where there are competing medical opinions”.

The adjudicator looked closely at the Applicant’s self-reports, surveillance, the clinical notes and records of the Applicant’s treating doctors and the content and quality of assessor’s reports for internal consistency and consistency with known facts. The adjudicator found there was a contradiction between surveillance and the statement given by the Applicant; that the Applicant’s psychological assessment was unreliable; and, that the Applicant’s self-reports were not supported by the records of her treating doctors.

Ultimately the adjudicator held that the Applicant’s injuries fall within the Minor Injury Guideline and that she is not entitled to income replacement benefits.

  • Neil is the Managing Partner of Reeves Richarz LLP. Neil has a general commercial and insurance litigation practice and has handled a broad range of matters before the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Financial Services Commission of Ontario, License Appeal Tribunal as well as advocating on behalf of his clients in private arbitrations.

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