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15-Minute Webinar Series
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Property and Subrogation Webinars
Trial By Zoom

All of a sudden, we are living in a new world. Virtual trials, Caselines and a host of other litigation realities that we could not have fathomed even 5 years ago are now part of our everyday lives.
As important as it is for counsel to understand the new world we live in, whether at the LAT or in court, it is equally important that clients understand the increased complexities involved in preparing for and executing an effective trial strategy.
Enforcement of Foreign Judgments

As the volume and scope of cross-border transactions and travel continues to grow, so do the issues regarding the appropriate forum to litigate contract and injury related disputes between parties.
Parties can litigate in a specific forum as a tactical matter. Responding – or not responding – needs to be addressed in a thoughtful way with a comprehensive understanding of the key issues relating to jurisdiction.
Is there a real and substantial connection between the parties and the forum? Should my client/insured attorn? It’s a dilemma in each and every case. Answering these questions is key to making the right strategic decision for your client.
Guaranteed Replacement Cost Endorsements

What could possibly be better than a replacement cost policy? A policy that contains a Guaranteed Replacement Cost endorsement.
How do they work? What is the impact of required code upgrades? What happens when inaccurate information about the property is provided to the insurer?
Join us as we address these issues in what is becoming an increasingly popular coverage.
The Standard Mortgage Clause – Protecting Yourself Against Mortgage Fraud
Pandemic Limitation Suspension: The End is Near
Multiple Occupiers – Who’s to Blame?
Occupiers Liability Part 2 – The Impact of Vendor Contracts
Occupiers Liability Part 1 – What Makes An Occupier an Occupier and What Standard Must They Meet?
Determining if you have a case and assessing your chance of success: Considerations
Investigating Spills Claims: What you need to know and who you need to ask
Oil Spill Claims: An Overview of the Regulatory Environment and the Players
Investigating Fire Losses – Part 3: Arson Investigations
Investigating Fire Losses – Part 2: The Engineering Frontier
Investigating Fire Losses: What is NFPA and why is it important
ACV v. RCV – What is the Appropriate Measure of Recovery?
Dealing with the Named Insured – What Does Dominus Litus Have to Do With Anything?
CGL Issues – Duty to Defend: Different Endorsement, Different Outcome
CGL Issues – The In’s and Out’s of the Duty to Defend
Risk Shifting Part Three – Extending the Shift
Risk Shifting Part Two – Nuanced Risk Shifting Language
Risk Shifting Part 1 – What is Risk Shifting and Why Does It Matter?

Commercial leases and construction agreements often provide for one party or another to assume the risk of loss in a given circumstance. An otherwise promising subrogation opportunity might be undone by a risk-shifting provision in the underlying agreement. This topic is equally important for those advancing subrogated claims and those defending against them. It is a tricky topic that is worth the investment of your time.
Retaining and Working with your Expert
Subrogation Investigations – Doing the Bloodhound Work
Identifying Subrogation Opportunities
SABS and Bodily Injury Claims Webinars
Graul v. Kansal – A Post Mortem
LAT Request for Reconsideration – Part 3: Where Do You Go From Here?
LAT Requests for Reconsideration – Part 2
Requests for Reconsideration at the LAT – Part 1
Deemed Incurred Attendant Care Expenses
Retroactive Attendant Care – What Does The Caselaw Say About this Exposure?
Self Employed IRB Claims – Now I’ve Got the Documents, What Should I Do With Them?
Self Employed IRB Claims – What Supporting Documents Do I Need and Why?
MIG 2 – How Can I Be Sure the MIG Applies?
MIG 1 – Dotting Your I’s and Crossing Your T’s
Policy Breaches and Statutory Third Parties
Bodily Injury – Consent to Possession
SABS – Production of Adjusters Notes
SABS – Limitation Periods
SABS -Section 33 Requests – When, Where, Why and How?
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